Environmental Management Policy
Mine operations undoubtedly affect the natural environment.
We minimize this impact by consciously managing Bogdanka's environmental and climate impacts.
The most important environmental management issues in our organization are regulated by the LW Bogdanka S.A. Integrated Management System Book which outlines the following key aspects:
- identification and assessment of environmental aspects
- monitoring of key characteristics of environmental aspects
- identification of legal and other requirements and assessment of compliance
- development of environmental programs
The implemented Integrated Management System includes:
- Quality Management System
- Environmental Management System
- Occupational Health and Safety Management System
and is based on the following standards: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, PN-N-45001:2018.
The system reflects the organization's attitude to addressing social and environmental aspects in the decision-making process, as well as the process of continuous improvement so that the organization can improve its performance in all dimensions: economic, social and environmental.
The organization also has an Integrated Management System Policy, which defines the company's vision, mission and strategic goals. The document takes into consideration environmental aspects. It presents the Company's vision as an efficiency leader in the mining industry, adapting to environmental requirements.
The Company's mission incorporates improvement of occupational safety standards, environmental protection and implementation of innovative solutions. With this document, the Company is committed to maintaining the highest quality standards for all products produced and manufactured by the Company. It also declares that, among other things, it will make every effort to develop close and mutually beneficial relations with customers, suppliers and other relevant stakeholders not only in the area of production quality, but also in the area of the environment, and to prevent pollution by minimizing negative environmental impacts, with the aim of improving the environmental performance of its operations.
Environmental aspects (identified in the life cycle for all processes) are developed by the Environmental Team, while their register is maintained in the BPM module. The above environmental aspects are also managed by: setting (periodic, annual) goals, tasks and specific environmental activities (investments, projects), as well as identifying risks and opportunities together with tasks to mitigate risks/maximize opportunities. Everything is described on an ongoing basis in a dedicated Register.