Share prices
Share price
Volume (pcs)
33 680
Last update | 22,6200 |
Change | +0,35% |
Opening price | 22,1200 |
Closing price | 22,7000 |
Min. | 21,6000 |
Max. | 22,9800 |
Volume (pcs) | 33 680 |
Volume | 747 114,14 |
Company listed on the stock exchange since | 07.2009 |
Number of shares issued | 34 013 590 |
Market value (PLN million) | 1 292,52 |
Listed in indices | WIG140, mWIG40TR, WIG30TR, WIG30, WIG-GÓRNICTWO, WIG-Poland, mWIG40, WIG, WIG-ESG |
Website | |
Stock exchange reports | |
Investor presentations |
Acronym | LWB |
Name | Bogdanka |
Full name | Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka Spółka Akcyjna |
Address | Bogdanka 21-013 Puchaczów |
Voivodeship | lubelskie |
President of the Board | Kasjan Wyligała |
Phone |
+48 81 462 55 44
+48 81 462 50 29
The shareholder structure of Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A. is presented in the table below:
Shareholders | ISIN code/Share series code | Number of shares | Nominal value of the stake [PLN] | Share in capital [%] | Number of votes at the SM [%] |
Enea S.A. | PLLWBGD00016 | 21 962 189 | 109 810 945 | 64,5689 | 64,5689 |
Other | PLLWBGD00016 | 12 051 266 | 60 256 330 | 35,4307 | 35,4307 |
B registered shares | 135 | 675 | 0,0004 | 0,0004 | |
Total | 34 013 590 | 170 067 950 | 100 | 100 |