Information on the implementation of the Strategy
In performance of the disclosure obligation under Article 27c of the Corporate Income Tax Act of 15 February 1992, Lubelski Węgiel “BOGDANKA" S.A. hereby publishes information on the Tax Strategy being pursued in the respective fiscal years.
Pursuant to Article 27c sec. 4 of the above act, tax groups and taxpayers other than tax groups whose revenue earned in the previous fiscal year exceeded the equivalent of EUR 50 million are obligated to post information on the Tax Strategy being pursued for the fiscal year, drawn up in Polish or translated into Polish, on its website by the end of the 12th month following the end of the fiscal year.
Documents for download:
Information on the strategy pursued by LWB in 2022 [DOWNLOAD]
Information on the strategy pursued by LWB in 2021 [DOWNLOAD]
Information on the strategy pursued by LWB in 2020 [DOWNLOAD]