
Good Place to Work

The Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka Group employs nearly six thousand people. Their daily work, expertise, experience and commitment have allowed us to make our company one of the state-of-the art mines in Poland and Europe. A large majority of our Employees are employed on a full-time, permanent basis. For newly hired employees, an indefinite term contract is preceded by a trial or fixed-term contract. Other forms of employment, such as contracts of mandate and management contracts, are also used occasionally (covering a group of about 100 people).

We are the biggest employer in the Lublin region. Salaries at LW Bogdanka are among the highest in the hard coal industry and in the Lublin region. We directly ensure economic security of thousands of Employees and their families. Thanks to our operations, small and medium-sized enterprises in the region can create jobs and develop their businesses.

Employees of the company and of other firms cooperating with LW Bogdanka, as well as their families, form a community of over 20 thousand people related to the mine.

 LW BogdankaŁęczyńska EnergetykaMR BogdankaRG Bogdanka


Number of Employees under employment contracts 
(as at 31 December 2023)


out of whom women


out of whom men



 LW BogdankaŁęczyńska EnergetykaMR BogdankaRG Bogdanka


Number of persons working for the Company under
a different type of agreement than employment contract
(as at 31 December 2023)


out of whom women


out of whom men




Safety of our employees has absolute priority and we never justify neglecting its principles. For obvious reasons, due to the specific nature of our organization, significant OHS risks are identified in the Company. That is why we have implemented a comprehensive safety system to help all our Employees return home healthy every day. We organize the extraction, ensuring proper conditions at the site, guaranteeing appropriate procedures and providing workers with all required collective and individual protection equipment.

We only employ people holding appropriate qualifications and authorizations. We conduct extensive inspections of workplaces and check whether technologies, instructions and safety procedures are implemented and followed. During the inspections, we also review Employees’ knowledge of the risks they face and the use of appropriate protective measures. 

We constantly engage in awareness-raising talks with employees regarding accountability in the event of breaches to safe work practices and related accidents, breakdowns or near-accident events. During regular OHS training sessions, the background and causes of fatal, serious
and mass accidents in the mining industry are discussed. 

health and safety management system

The occupational health and safety management system covers all employees of LW Bogdanka and is based on the renowned ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards.

Best practices

Each Employee is obliged, within the scope of their duties, to check the conditions in their work station, in particular the tools and technical safety measures. In case of any irregularities, direct supervisor must be informed immediately. All Employees can also report a near-accident event. Every person employed by our company is also informed that they may refrain from performing a task when working conditions do not comply with OHS regulations and pose immediate danger to the employee’s health or life, or when the work performed by the employee entails such hazards being created to other people.

Workers covered by the OHS management system


Percentage of the company’s Employees covered by the OHS system


Percentage of the company’s Employees covered by the OHS system that has been audited internally


Percentage of the company’s Employees covered by the OHS system that has been audited or certified by a third party institution



Our top priority is to reduce the number of occupational accidents, especially those related to movement in underground workings. We are constantly raising the standards of personal protective equipment and improving communication with the staff.

In accordance with our procedures, we identify work-related hazards and assess occupational risks on an ongoing basis. Supervisors conduct regular inspections of workplaces; inspections of work stations are also carried out directly by the persons assigned to them. Relevant services perform tests and analyses of the working environment parameters.

Training and development

We believe that the development of our employees is a way to develop our entire organization. Accordingly, we provide all employees with the opportunity to receive training to expand their skills and qualifications. We organize external and internal training, and the training topics are chosen so as to address the organization’s business needs and the applicable legal regulations.

In cooperation with the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, postgraduate studies in Mining Enterprise Value Management are offered, with a curriculum tailored to the needs of Bogdanka.

Employee benefits

At LW Bogdanka Group, regularly paid salaries are coupled with attractive benefit packages. Additional non-salary benefits are available to all employees, and some are also provided to retired employe

Selected benefits provided to employees of LW Bogdanka Group:

  • social allowances
  • co-financing of holidays for employees and their families
  • sporting facility subscriptions
  • events for employees
  • partial refund of costs of tickets for cultural events
  • partial refund of kindergarten costs
  • possibility to obtain loans for housing purposes
  • partial refund of costs of private medical care
  • housing loans
  • free-of-charge foreign language tuition.

We also promote the well-being of our employees. Our flagship activity in this area is the “Aktywni w Bogdance” [Active in Bogdanka] program intended to support extra-professional interests of our employees. The program aims to build an organizational culture based on cooperation, dialog and involvement of the entire Workforce. The program also serves to implement the principles of work-life balance among our Employees.

Thanks to the Bogdanka Socially Committed Program, the Company’s Employees can raise initiatives and introduce organizations which are important for the local community and respond to the needs of external stakeholder groups. Once every year, an Employee may receive up to PLN 3,500 earmarked to the implementation of an initiative applied for. The requests are evaluated by a Team appointed by the Vice-President of the Management Board responsible for Employee and Social Matters.

Future Employees

The Company cooperates with trade schools and universities. LW Bogdanka has signed letters of intent in this respect with:

  • Staszic AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków,
  • Mining School Complex in Łęczna,
  • School Complex in Ostrów Lubelski,
  • Power Engineering and Transportation School Complex in Chełm
  • Lublin Universities Association 

Two flagship projects have been launched for future employees of the Company:

  • "A work pass to LW Bogdanka”, a program upon completion of which the best graduates receive guaranteed employment in LWB; 
  • A student scholarship program - the scholarships are awarded for the best achievements in occupational subjects. 

We are open to cooperation in the area of research, graduate dissertations and various types of projects implemented with the academic community and schools - in case of interest, please contact us by email.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in Bogdanka, go to the Careers tab.