Corporate information

Record financial and operational performance of Bogdanka for 2021.

LW BOGDANKA S.A. published financial results for 2021. Consolidated revenue for that period amounted to PLN 2,371.3 million, EBITDA – PLN 797.6 million, operating profit – PLN 366.8 million, and net profit – PLN 288.3 million.

The Company has strengthened its already strong market position by achieving, at the end of 2021, a 23.1% share in the market of thermal coal sales and a 29.2% share in the market of thermal coal sales to commercial power plants. Over 90% of our sales generated throughout the year were within Enea Group, including to Enea Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o. and Enea Elektrownia Połaniec S.A. as well as Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe Puławy S.A.

We introduce a number of technological changes while performing our strategy step by step. We are striving to concentrate our production in one place, which trims down operating expenses. In December 2021 we switched to excavation limited to only two walls, reaching daily net output of above 30,000 tonnes. Before, we needed four walls to achieve a comparable level. We have been pursuing projects to automate our processes to reduce third party services and we have been increasing the utilization rate for our machinery. We have started tens of projects to improve efficiency. They will bring us measurable financial benefits and their effects should already be visible next year,

– said Artur Wasilewski, Vice-President of the Management Board, Economic and Financial Affairs of LW Bogdanka S.A.

In 2021, the LW Bogdanka Group had investment expenditure of PLN 452.8 million. The largest portion of this sum, i.e. PLN 206.3 million, was used for new excavations and modernisation of the existing ones.

2021 saw increased efforts in the area of social responsibility. We became involved in a number of valuable initiatives and introduced our own projects related to CSR and sustainable growth by stimulating the development at the local level, striving to protect the precious environment as well as supporting and promoting both young talent and local leaders in various areas. The Company engages in cooperation on many levels, thus showing openness and consistency in pursuing development of the Lublin region that would be based on modernity but respect the legacy of the mining sector as well as tradition of this part of Poland

– said Adam Partyka, Vice President of the Management Board, Employee and Social Affairs, LW Bogdanka S.A.

The financial results of the LW Bogdanka Group for Q4 and 2021 are presented in the table below: 

[PLN `000]

IVQ 2020    IVQ 2021




Net revenue on sales

468 579702 80150,0 %1 822 1122 371 280

30,1 %


148 519259 29274,6 %466 167797 601

71,1 %


44 499154 001246,1%95 241366 798

285,1 %

Net profit

38 123123 515224,0%72 962288 266

295,1 %

The Company continues to implement innovations, such as Internet of Things, optimisation of energy consumption and lower use of steel. The Company also strives to enhance the comfort of work. Last year, one of our achievements was the introduction of binary ice in air conditioning systems.

We wish to make use of our expertise to extend the scope of the Company's operations to include activities outside of our core business.We have launched a number of initiatives to diversify our operations. Some of the projects will soon be completed, other are at the tender stage, and the remaining ones are being investigated in terms of cost-effectiveness, 

– said Dariusz Dumkiewicz, Vice President of the Management Board for Development of LW Bogdanka S.A.

LW Bogdanka S.A. najważniejsze informacje

LW Bogdanka S.A. to lider rynku producentów węgla kamiennego w Polsce, wyróżniający się na tle branży nowoczesnością i efektywnością wydobycia. Jest jedną z największych polskich kopalń węgla kamiennego. Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A. prowadzi przede wszystkim działalność górniczą w zakresie wydobywania, wzbogacania i sprzedaży węgla kamiennego. Spółka dostarcza surowiec głownie do odbiorców przemysłowych. Realizacja dostaw oparta jest o umowy wieloletnie, a kierunek zbytu to energetyka zawodowa i przemysłowa.

Od czerwca 2009 r. spółka notowana jest na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych S.A. w Warszawie.

Od października 2015 r. Bogdanka wchodzi w skład Grupy Enea, wicelidera polskiego rynku elektroenergetycznego w zakresie produkcji energii elektrycznej, zarządzającego pełnym łańcuchem wartości na rynku energii elektrycznej: od paliwa, poprzez produkcję energii elektrycznej, dystrybucję, sprzedaż i obsługę klienta.