
Court registration of the amendments in the Articles of Association of LW Bogdanka S.A.

Current Report No. 24/2018

Date of preparation: 14 September 2018

Subject: Court registration of the amendments in the Articles of Association of LW Bogdanka S.A.

General legal basis: Art. 56.1.2 of the Act on Public Offering – current and periodic information


The Management Board of LW Bogdanka S.A. (the Company) hereby informs you that on 14 September 2018 it has received the decision of the District Court for Lublin-Wschód in Lublin, with registered seat in Świdnik, VI Commercial Division of the National Court Register, on registration of amendments to the Company’s Articles of Association made on 7 September 2018, adopted by virtue of Resolution No. 3 of the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of LW Bogdanka S.A. of 24 August 2018.

The aforementioned amendments to the Company’s Articles of Association concern the following:

1. amendments to the existing Article 14.7 reading as follows: “7. The prohibition to remain in an employment relationship referred to in Article 6.2) does not apply to persons elected to the Supervisory Board by employees” shall have the following new wording: “7. The requirement of upholding a positive opinion of the Council for Companies with State Treasury Interest and State Legal Persons, referred to in Article 6, the requirement to meet the prerequisites set out in Article 6.1, as well as the prohibition to remain in an employment relationship referred to in Article 6.2) and 6.4), does not apply to persons elected to the Supervisory Board by employees.”

2. in Article 14.9, the following shall be deleted: “9. The occupations referred to in Article 6.5) include holding an elected position in the Company’s trade union.”

The consolidated text of the Articles of Association containing the aforementioned amendments is attached in an annex by the Company’s Management Board.

Detailed legal basis: Article 5.1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance on the Stock Exchange.